Recipes: My Grandmother's English Cake (Кекс)
A recipe translated from Yelena Rura’s handwritten version.
- 200g sour cream
- 2 cups of sugar (recipe calls for 2 middle-size glasses, which are ~6oz, which mom says is a lot)
- 200g margarine or butter
- 2T vegetable oil
- 1/2t baking soda, activated with a bit (~1T) of vinegar
- 2 eggs
- 200g raisins
- Vanilla extract or other flavoring
- Flour - until it achieves the texture of thick sour cream
In a mixing bowl, combine (in this order):
- Sour cream
- 2 eggs
- sugar
- raisins
- vanilla
- vegetable oil
Then melt the butter, not too much - cool it off. Pour in a thin stream into bowl, mixing constantly.
[Ed: There is no mention of when to add the flour or baking soda.]
Don’t forget to set aside a piece for me, OK? Kisses, Y.M.
Start the oven at 350-400F. When the batter rises, immediately turn down to 300F.
Bake in a hot bundt pan, well coated with butter.