Shutting Down Voo2do
Today I’m announcing the shutdown of Voo2do, the to-do list web app I first launched in 2005. I’ve been neglecting the site for a few years, and at this point its limited usage no longer justifies the effort of proper upkeep.
Current users have until April 28, 2020 to use the site and access their data. Details and suggestions for saving a copy of your Voo2do data are below.
I want to thank everyone who tried Voo2do over the years. Voo2do changed my life: it taught me new skills, connected me to amazing people, and got me great jobs that have shaped my whole career. It also got me sued (bogus!), which generated some stress and notoriety but ultimately went nowhere. But most importantly, it helped a lot of people. Over 130,000 registered, and probably tens of thousands seriously used it to help themselves achieve their goals. That’s what I’m most proud of as I think back on the 15 years(!) of this project’s life.
You entrusted this little website with your productivity. I hope it was useful and pleasant, and that you’ll take the most valuable parts of the Voo2do approach and use them in whatever new system helps you achieve your goals.
Read on for further details to help any remaining users with the transition.
Service to end on April 28, 2020
On April 28, 2020, the Voo2do service will shut down. Any data saved in Voo2do will no longer be accessible after that point. As a free service, support has never been guaranteed for Voo2do users, and in the past couple of years you’ve probably seen signs of neglect such as expired security certificates and long periods of unintended downtime.
Because my personal and professional focus has shifted, and there are very few ongoing users of Voo2do, I can no longer justify the time and cost required to maintain this service. Therefore, Voo2do will officially and permanently shut down. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, especially because if you’re still using Voo2do after these years of neglect, you must really like it. :(
How to export your data
Prior to the shutdown, you can download a copy of your data in a few ways:
Copy and paste the content of the tasks and notes pages into a document you can save elsewhere.
Use your browser’s print function to create a PDF or hard copy.
Under your account > backup/restore your data, you can download an XML file containing all your tasks and notes. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any tools that can load this backup format aside from Voo2do itself, but it is a structured text-like file containing all your data. You can explore this file in most web browsers, and any programmer familiar with XML should be able to write code to extract relevant data if needed.
Thank you
I appreciate your interest and support for Voo2do. I’ve gotten a lot of kind notes from users over the years, and had some powerful “small world” moments when I’ve encountered users of Voo2do unexpectedly. I will always be grateful, and a little stunned, that this little project was helpful around the world.